Plumbing Maintenance

Guaranteed Plumbing That Won't Break The Bank

Plumbing Maintenance in Gold Coast

Prompt & Accurate Repairs

At Rossi Plumbing on the Gold Coast, we service, repair and maintain a variety of plumbing fixtures such as taps, drains, toilets and pipes for commercial, residential and industrial properties. Regardless of the size and complexity of the job, we are trained for urgent repairs and replacements.

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Burst Pipes

Burst pipes are among the common plumbing problems that could seriously cause damage to your property. If you notice signs such as dripping sounds, corroded taps or water marks, contact Rossi Plumbing for a thorough pipe inspection.

When dealing with burst pipes, locating the source of leaks is vital. That’s why we use a well-known subcontractor for leak detection. On top of that, we carry the latest CCTV cameras to inspect underground pipes. We also check possible leaks through manual inspections.

Regardless of whether you have old pipes that have become brittle, uninsulated materials or pipelines damaged by tree roots, get them fixed immediately before the problem worsens. We will come out and inspect the issue, provide you with a quote and get the job done fast. We are on-call 24/7 to repair or replace your pipe whenever required.

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Leaking Taps

Dripping taps can cause inconvenience and increased water bills. Research shows the average leaky tap wastes up to 20,000 litres a year, which costs you a lot of money. If you suspect a leak in your dishwasher, laundry or garden tap, do not delay repairs. Our 24/7 plumbers are just one call away.

Leaving the issue unattended may cause more damage, resulting in costly repairs. Constant dripping may signal a problem in valve seats, water pressure or even pipes. At Rossi Plumbing, we inspect all possible causes of leaks and replace your water taps where necessary. We stock a wide range of tap replacement parts for a quick and efficient service.

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Frequently Asked Questions

I Have A Burst Pipe. What Should I Do?

Contact an emergency plumber in the event of a burst pipe. While waiting, you may try locating the source of the leak and turn off your main water supply. If you are unable to find the issue, let the plumber handle it.

How Do I Know If There’s A Water Leak In My Property?

Check if you have dripping taps or roof leaks. Leaking taps, wall patches and stains in the ceiling are usual signs of a water leak. Call a plumber to conduct a thorough inspection of your pipes and fixtures. This will save you from costly repairs or replacements.

Why Is My Tap Hard To Turn On And Off?

Taps that are old and corroded can get difficult to turn on and off. This could mean the valve is worn out or the spindle needs lubricating. A licensed plumber should inspect the water tap and replace damaged parts where necessary.

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Covid Response

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Increased Sanitation

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4m2 Rule

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Contactless Delivery

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Daily Checks

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Quality Work

Dolorem Quis

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Accus Ipsa

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Animi Ut

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Brands We Work With

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